Shri. Abhijeet Deshmukh
Director (Governing Board),Honorable Abhijeet Deshmukh has an indomitable belief that education must be student centric, research-based, and industry-relevant and in sync with the world's demand drives him to constantly improve our system so it can add value to careers as well as industries
Dynamic, resourceful and committed, to take the Sanstha to new heights of excellence. Innovative, pragmatic, forceful, enthusiastic, enterprising and zealous blends his earnest urge for progressive transformation with an amicable nature that endures him to all.

Dr. Vivek M. Nanoti
Director ( Engineering) LTJSS,Today education means much more than merely acquiring knowledge. It is acquisition of knowledge and skills, building character and improving employability of the young talent for the future leadership. Dr. Vivek M. Nanoti has a cherished motto of the Empowerment of students for their all round development through education, He dedicates his services as Professor in Applied Physics, Researcher in Materials Science, Principal of Priyadarshini Institute of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur and presently Director ( Engineering) LTJSS - Priyadarshini Group of Institutions, Nagpur
He has worked as a Dean, LTJSS for 5 years. Best known for his oratory in various fields, he is also a founder member of Wiz'10, research group of Nano-technology & Nano-materials, Nagpur. He has an experience of more than 24 years in teaching & research. Many positions like National Executive Council Member (2012-2014) of ISTE, Secretary cum Treasurer (2003-05, 2009-11), SMC (2006-08) and Editor (203-11) ISTE Maharashtra Goa section respectively are also graced by him. He has to his credit, awards like National Best Teacher Award, Most Promising Engineering College Teacher 2005 and is also a recipient of Bharatjyoti Award for excellence in Education & Research in 2012.

Prof. Habeeb Khan
Director Architecture,Architecture of today has become very complex and incorporates allied fields and science like it never did before. Complex and ever changing typologies, technical development and material advancement and its synthesis with architecture is the real challenge of today's architectural world. Architecture can also not forget its fundamental base of being essentially art and it's finer nuances of sense, sensibilities and aesthetics.
The understanding of this two diverse though processes and their incorporation into architectural education is the real challenge of today. We at LTJSS have taken up this challenge and are trying to impart architectural education which not only respects these but tries to go few steps beyond it.